Unleashing the richness, meaning and beauty of classic Chassidic texts in a readable and flowing English
Kedushas Levi
For the very first time, ArtScroll Mesorah presents the classic treatise Kedushas Levi, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok’s fundamental Chassidic masterpierce, in readable and flowing English. The holy Kedushas Levi was the great defender of mankind, and his thoughts are relevant to all who seek greater purpose in life and closer and more meaningful human and Divine relationships.
The Kedushas Levi deals in its entirety with general issues related to God’s worship—love and awe, devotion and faith. It is a book that is meant to rouse the spirit. The Kedushas Levi encompasses the entirety of Chassidic thought in its broadest form: the worship of the heart and the introspection of the mind, seeing the Torah not as a distant doctrine but as the “Torah of man.” It is the essence of Chassidism, encompassing the great gamut of the movement’s vibrancy. It is an entire world in one work.

In Heaven and On Earth: The Rebbe R’ Mordechai’le — Lore of the Nadvorna Chassidic Dynasty
In Heaven and On Earth: The Rebbe R’ Mordechai’le records the history and the lore of the Nadvorna Chassidic dynasty drawn from the numerous classic and more modern works that have been published on the dynasty generally and the Rebbe R’ Mordechai’le in specific.
Who was the Rebbe R’ Mordechai? It is a question impossible to answer, and yet irresistible to consider. The stories in this book fall into two broad categories, drawing up a portrait first of the Rebbe as a man and then of the Rebbe as a Miracle Worker. These facets of the Rebbe’s personalities appear contradictory, but are fundamentally inseparable: he not only bridged but co-existed in two parallels simultaneously both lofty and down to earth; inward-facing and deeply generous with his time and miracle work.
Ma’amer Mordechai
The Ma’amer Mordechai is the seminal volume of classical commentary of the Nadvorna Chassidic dynasty. The volume contains short Torah thoughts of the Rebbe R’ Mordechai’s vertlach that were formulated and conveyed with relevance to followers who lived, largely, in poor villages throughout eastern foothills of the Carpathian Mountains and the northwest Mamaroush region in the mid- to late 1800s.

To Come: In Planning
Sefer Baal Shem Tov
Be'er Mayim Chaim
Ohev Yisrael
Bas Eiyin
Ner Yisroel
Zera Kodesh
Yismach Moshe
Divrei Chaim
Ma'or Veshemesh
Degel Machane Efraim
Me'or Einayim